Many Years, Many Worlds
Coming Soon! A New Novel! Read a snippet here!!!!
The response to my first phsychological novel has been so positive I am writing another!
As in Many Years, Many Worlds, any resembalance to anyone living or past is unintended
I am so glad Many Years, Many Worlds has helped folks process loss. Stay tuned for this one!
Many Years, Many Worlds is a touching and engrossing story that follows Beth's discovery of her mother's letters and through them, sees a side of her mother she never knew.
Many Years, Many Worlds simultaneously explores the loss of a parent and the intricacies of a tumultuous mother/daughter relationship while discovering her parent's lives in the Middle East in 1949. It is both a tender and provocative book, invoking an emotional response, as it probes the way we look at world politics and human nature.

While cleaning out her mother's shed, the day before her mother's funeral,
Beth found letters and photographs that give deeper insite into the world as it was in 1949.
Most exciting was learning more about her parent's role in the top secret operation called
Magic Carpet, that flew displaced Yemenite Jews into the newly found state of Israel.
The parent child bond is a very special one. Not all bonds are the same, and not all are happy ones, but the loss of a parent, no matter what the relationship between parent and child, is hugely impactful. Beth’s hope in publishing this book is that it will help others through loss and grief, especially through the loss of a parent.
As a Mental Health Counselor, Beth has experienced through her clients and firsthand for herself the power of journalling. Her own journals have helped bring color and depth to this book.
Website Developed by Beth H. Macy